Delivery of the standard correspondence and cargoes

The federal state unitary enterprise «Courier Communication Central Board » carries out sending of the standard correspondence, parcels and hardware:
- The package correspondence of weights up to two kg and of sizes up to 11х15сm ( no more then 5х25х35сm);
- Parcels should not be less then 5х10х15сm and no more than 45сm in the size on each of three dimensions;
- Rolls of the cylindrical form (tubes) – diameter up to 20сm and length up to 120сm;
- The size parcels with geographical and topographic maps up to 10х150х150сm and weight no more than 10 kg;
- The weight of parcels with engineering specifications should not be more than 20kg;
- The size of packaging in a firm container (hardware) should be no more than 200х100х75сm and has the maximum weight of no more than 300 kg.
They don’t contain state or a trade secret with estimated value and without it. All risks connected with a loss, destruction, damage of the Dispatch taken to be to delivered or any part of it are insured fully.
Requirements on dispatch registration.